Render only HTML template from views directory in Rails app
Ricardo Mejía
2013-11-27 15:30:16 UTC
I have 2 templates on my views/preinscripcions folder in a Rails 3 app and
the are both named index. One is the standard index page in html but the
other one is a Prawn template, which generates a PDF.

The problem is, when I click on a link formatted like this: '
http://localhost:3000/preinscripcions' Mechanize renders both the HTML and
the PDF file.

I'm clicking the link using agent.page.link_with(:href =>
'/preinscripcions').click, but I have also tried with agent.get() and the
same thing happens.

Is there any way in which I can only get the HTML template?

Ricardo Mejía
Analista - Programador
Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado
Teléfono: 2278-1011 Ext. 188
Email: ***@ujmd.edu.sv <***@ujmd.edu.sv>
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